The Biggest ISSUES With BLK Water (Do NOT Buy!)

The Biggest ISSUES With BLK Water (Do NOT Buy!)

BLK Water Review Issues With Blk Water The issues with Blk water are best laid out by Dr Christine Gerbstadt, M.D. She is a a registered dietitian and the author of the popular book “Doctors Detox Diet”. Her arguments against Blk water are as follows: A herbal diet provides the same phytonutrients that the black…

SodaStream Review: Here is Why SodaStream Might NOT Be Worth It (Buyer Beware!)

SodaStream Review: Here is Why SodaStream Might NOT Be Worth It (Buyer Beware!)

Why SodaStream Might NOT Be Worth It: Honest SodaStream Review Here are some of the most common complaints of why SodaStream might not be worth it. The flavour is just not as strong as a regular soda. This might seem like an obvious point but many people buy into the hype that they will be able…

SERIOUS Hydrogen Water Side Effects To Look Out For

SERIOUS Hydrogen Water Side Effects To Look Out For

Serious Hydrogen Water Side Effects to Look Out For Negative Hydrogen Water Side Effects Experts are unable to identify any major health risks or negative side effects associated with drinking hydrogen water. However, you should note that drinking too much regular water can potentially cause something called ‘hyponatremia’. This is when the concentration of sodium…

Do NOT Buy! A Hydrogen Water Maker Might Not Be Worth It

Do NOT Buy! A Hydrogen Water Maker Might Not Be Worth It

Why A Hydrogen Water Maker Might NOT Be Worth It Although drinking hydrogen water will not cause any harm health-wise, there are no conclusive research studies that validate all the positive health claims and potential benefits. Hydrogen water makers only do 1 thing: generate more hydrogen in your water. Meanwhile there are similar devices (e.g….

Why is Maple Water So Popular and Is It A SCAM?

Why is Maple Water So Popular and Is It A SCAM?

Why is Maple Water So Popular? Maple water is from pure maple sap. The clear and nutritious liquid that flows from maple trees for a short time in early spring. It goes through a natural process that infuses it with the nutrients stored in the tree throughout the winter. Therefore, this type of water offers…

Lifewtr Pepsico Review: Linked To The ILLUMINATI?

Lifewtr Pepsico Review: Linked To The ILLUMINATI?

Lifewtr Pepsico is a new premium bottled water. It is Pepsico’s attempt to add a new brand to the company’s portfolio. The aim is to capitalize on the increase in consumers’ appetite for healthier beverages. The Lifewtr PepsiCo package is more central to the brand than the product itself. LIFEWTR is a purified pH with…

Why Do People Hate and Complain About HINT Water?

Why Do People Hate and Complain About HINT Water?

Why Do People Hate and Complain About HINT Water? By far the biggest complaint of HINT water is its plain taste. I have many people leaving comments complaining that it’s not as sweet or full of flavor as they expected. However, it is important to remember that this drink has zero calories and how can…

What Is Mineralized Water And Is It Good For You?

What Is Mineralized Water And Is It Good For You?

What Is mineralized water? Well, before we begin, we need to clarify some details… Mineralized water is more than the bubbling soda water that accumulates in the supermarket. Sure, these bottled drinks have their own list of health benefits, but we’re talking about real, natural bottled water, not the kind that can be artificially produced….

Which Bottled Water Come From TAP WATER?

Which Bottled Water Come From TAP WATER?

Bottled Water: Which One Comes From Tap Water? The list below includes the biggest bottled water brands and let’s you know which one comes from tap water: Aquafina The Aquafina Drinking Water originally comes from tap water but actually tastes really pure and refreshing. Their water goes through the reverse osmosis (RO) process as well…