Why An Under Sink Water Filter Might Be WRONG For You
The Biggest Issue With Under Sink Reverse Osmosis Systems
The major hurdle with reverse osmosis (RO) systems lies in their tendency to generate a significant amount of wastewater compared to regular filters and other filter methods.
Getting an under-sink water filter is WRONG for you if:
You need the valuable storage space under your sink. This is why it’s a bad choice if you live in a small apartment and desperately need all the space you’ve got including under your kitchen sink.
Getting a plumber is not an option and you want a quick easy, self install solution. Unless you have considerable plumbing skills you may need to get an expert to install your under sink water filter for you. However, note that once the filter is plumbed in, replacing the filter is very easy. In most cases replacing an under sink water filter is as easy as twisting it in and out.
The water that comes from an under-sink filter is not going to be as cold as the water you get from your refrigerated pitcher. Or the filtered water that comes from a refrigerator’s dispenser. But a quick fix for this are filtered water ice cubes.
Getting an under-sink water filter is RIGHT for you if:
You want permanent access to filtered water from a single water source e.g. your kitchen sink instead of paying for a whole house filter.
Don’t want to waste money filtering water for your bathroom, laundry and toilet with a whole house filter.
Believe that a water filter jug is too much work because its filters need replacing more often or some other reason.
Need access to a powerful filter that removes organic compounds. For instance, compounds like pesticides, bacteria, heavy metals and chemicals like chlorine.
Buying Guide For Under Sink Water Filters
Here are the main things to consider when buying an under sink water filter.
Your filtered water is delivered instantly. All you need to do is turn on the faucet and nothing but clean filtered water comes out. This is in contrast to a water filter pitcher, which usually takes a few minutes to filter water.
That doesn’t even include the amount of time it takes to open the fridge, fill up the filter pitcher at the tap and take it back to the fridge.
Capacity and Speed
The best quality under sink filters (like the one reviewed below) cleans around 1,000 gallons of water. This means that some under sink filters can last for a year before they need to be replaced.
On the other hand, a standard water filter pitcher usually filters around 40 gallons of water before the filters need to be replaced. The result is the filters’ probably need to be replaced every couple of weeks.
The filtered water that comes from an under sink water filter is so easy to use and anyone (even a child) can do it. Why? Because it is as easy as opening a tap faucet.
The Best Under Sink Water Filter
Home Master TMHP HydroPerfection Under Sink Reverse Osmosis Water Filter System Review

Even the most health conscious individual is likely to be very impressed with the Home Master HydroPerfection undersink reverse osmosis system. The system promises to remove up to 98% of iron and other contaminants. It does this while also safely sterilizing 99.99% of microorganisms found in your water.
The filtering system includes a pump that reduces your water waste by up to 80% but while also increasing water production by up to 50%.
The end result is a good value water purifier that adds healthy minerals to your water while also producing clean, great-tasting mineral water from your tap.
The Biggest Issue.
The Home Master TMHP HydroPerfection under sink reverse osmosis water filter system has one issue that you should be aware about before you buy. Like with all under sink water filters, it creates a tremendous waste of water. To be precise, the machine wastes 1 gallon for every 1 gallon it produces.
Best Features and Specifications.
Very easy to change and replace its filters.
Filter your water with the power of UV light.
The filters are both long lasting and easy to change. You can expect them to last for around 2000 gallons or 1 year depending on your use.
The filters are simple twist-and-remove filters.
Comes with a good RO (reverse osmosis) system.
The Home Master HydroPerfection has an innovative design that addresses some of the most common problems found with many traditional RO systems.
The HydroPerfection is good with Well or City Water. This is because it includes an IRON pre-filter that protects the RO membrane while its UV filter destroys microorganisms and the permeate pump maximizes the water pressure for full effect.
Integrated RO means it adds extra healthy minerals for a better taste. TheHydroPerfection includes a patented technology, which adds magnesium and calcium minerals during the purification process.
The result of this is you get highly pure water. Apart from the RO system that restores healthy minerals, this unit also filters out at least 98% of iron, heavy metals, chemicals, sediments and other types of contaminants you can find in water.
Final Thought On The Home Master HydroPerfection Under Sink Water Filters
I like the Aqusana Under Sink Reverse Osmosis because it uses multiple stages of filtration and purification to provide you with exceptionally clean water.
These multiple stages include the removal of iron, sediments, chlorine, pharmaceuticals, chloramines, hydrogen sulfide, metals, dissolved solids, chemicals and many other harmful contaminants.
As if this isn’t enough, this unit also includes an advanced ultraviolet light sterilization mechanism.
The guarantee is that it can safely destroy 99.99% of bacteria, germs, viruses and other dangerous microorganisms.
The only drawback that I can see is it’s wastefulness. 1 gallon of waste water per every gallon of clean water. This is a heavy environmental price to pay.
But this is offset by the fact that you won’t use lots of plastic bottles. Or need to replace your water filter every 4-8 weeks as you would with a filter pitcher.