ISSUES You MUST Consider About The BEST Survival Water Filters
Survival water filters are crucial because water is essential to survival in any scenario.
Water is one of the most important natural elements to human life. This will probably come as no surprise when you consider that the average human body is 55-65% water. This fact is also the reason why our ancestors built and lived around settlements near the water.
Sadly the quality of water from natural water supplies have deteriorated since early human settlers. It is nearly impossible to find crystal-clear rivers and lakes when you’re out in nature. Especially with increasing pollution and environmental abuse.
This makes it necessary to have personal methods of filtering water when you are in the great outdoors. Or simply have a way to treat water when / if the world goes to hell!
This article will give you a list of my top survival water filter picks and explain why they make the cut.
The Best Survival Water Filters
Katadyn Vario Water Filter Review
The Katadyn Vario Water Filter has at least 3 filter settings that you can choose from:
1) Faster flow mode – This setting allows you to collect up to 2 quarts of water in 1 minute.
2) Longer life mode – Although the water filtration is slower at one quart per minute, this setting is recommended because it filters thoroughly. However, you can use the ‘faster flow mode’ if water is needed ASAP.
3) The final option is the ultra-fast flow mode. This is a super fast option that allows you to collect and filter up to 2 liters a minute. However, this option may put too much stress on the filters and wear them down faster.
The Katadyn Vario water filter produces clean drinking water that tastes and smells great. This is partly due to its replaceable carbon core that removes any icky taste and smell from the water. Another great feature is that the ceramic element is easy to clean, thereby further extending its usage and life.
Issues To Consider….
- This particular Katadyn brand has a “plastic inlet barb”, which is prone to unnaturally sticking out of the unit. The result is a slightly cumbersome device that is prone to accidents.
- Another thing to watch out for is the O-ring. This is located near the base of the paper filter. It is supposed to serve as a separator between filtered and contaminated water. But instead can become nicked which will allow clean and dirty water to mix.
Katadyn Pocket Water Microfilter Review

- One of the best features of this product is its silver-infused ceramic element that is able to filter microbes up to 0.2 microns. This is its secret for being able to kill off most undesirable pathogens and microbes especially as silver has antibacterial properties.
- Lightweight, small and compact makes this water filter the perfect companion for things like camping, international travel or perhaps while on an humanitarian mission where it might be hard to find safe drinking water.
- Despite its small compact size, the Katadyn Pocket Water Microfilter is built to filter up to 13,000 gallons of water.
Issues To Consider….
- There are mainly 2 issues that you should consider before buying: (1) It is not built to withstand freezing conditions; and (2) this product is difficult to assemble and disassemble. Especially when compared with other water filters in its class and this can make cleaning and maintenance slightly harder.
Despite these slight issues, its durability makes up for any shortcomings. I believe that the Katadyn Pocket Water Microfilter is one of the best survival water filters for its price, size and filter longevity.
Katadyn Combi Water Microfilter Review
This water filter also comes from the Katadyn family and is very similar to the Katadyn Pocket Water Microfilter. The main difference is the KatadynCombi is slightly bigger (and heavier).
- This Katadyn has an integrated ceramic filter that is both easy to clean and sturdy.
- Its activated carbon core means it can filter up to 13,000 gallons of water.
- There is a measuring gauge indicator that lets you know when the filter element needs replacing.
- This product comes in silicone and resistant plastic meaning it can weather almost any terrain. This also makes it ideal for jostling in a camping pack.
- Very light and portable – it weighs a little over half a kilo.
- Powerful filter means microorganisms stand no chance. Its ceramic filter micro-pores are able to filter up to 0.2 microns. This is very good.
- The device also comes with an add-on kit that allows it to be attached to a faucet. This means that you can easily filter tap water or use it at home instead in the place of a faucet filter.
This is a good buy if you’re looking for something small and durable to keep with you during an emergency situation. It is effective, easy to use and durable.
Katadyn KFT Expedition Water Filter Review
I saved the best for last because this has to be the mother of all portable water filter systems – the Katadyn KFT Expedition.
It comes with a durable ceramic filter that makes it both effective and durable.
Suitable for an individual or small groups of people. So ideal if you’re going camping or something to have in the home for your family as a back up device in an emergency situation.
Better performance and longevity so ideal for disasters or emergencies where clean drinking water is critical.
Used and trusted by aid organisations, extreme trekkers and disaster relief efforts.
Its silver impregnated ceramic plate filters up to 26000 gallons of water. This means you can go many years before the filters need replacing.
The rate of water output is a super speedy 1 gallon per minute. This makes it a machine with one of the fastest flow rate amongst all the products in this category.
Not as heavy or as bulky as it looks, this Katadyn only weighs 183.4 ounces.
This survival water filter is designed to last. Leave it to the Swiss to create something of this quality! The hefty price you pay up front is partly for the quality materials used in producing this product. The result is that the Katadyn KFT Expedition will withstand all types of wear and tear so this is definitely a product that you will invest in for the long term.
My Top Choice For The Best Survival Water Filter
The Katadyn KFT Expedition wins hands down.
Why? Well, the quality of the filter, the durability of the product and the fact that it can take care of many people not just one.
Almost all the other survival water filters are only targeted at one individual, which I think is an issue. Chances are that you won’t be alone in a survival scenario. Perhaps you have your family with you, someone is ill or there are elderly people / children nearby.
The Karadyn KFT means you can take care of your loved ones if the worse happens (not just yourself). 26,000 gallons filter capacity means this can last for years and see you through most disasters.
It’s also fairly portable too!183.4 ounces is something you can strap to your backpack or fit in the boot of your car.
Yes, it is slightly more expensive but survival water filters are well worth the investment in my opinion. Especially for those who take the survival of their family seriously or anyone that frequents the wild outdoors.