Softpro vs Springwell: Whole Home Filters Edition

Softpro vs Springwell Overview whole home filters edition

For many households in North America, access to clean and safe water is a challenge. Irrespective of the source (either municipal water systems or private wells) water quality issues are still affecting countless homes. The implication of this being that many of the water available in most households is contaminated with heavy metals, industrial pollution, pesticides, and other toxic materials. All of which have negative health effects. This is where the whole home water filter comes in.

Whole home water filters are large-scale filtration systems designed to treat all of the water flowing into a residential property through a composite filter unit. Though smaller water filters can easily provide an affordable short-term solution, effective water treatment can only really be achieved through whole home water filtration systems. Unlike water softeners which target hardness minerals alone, whole home filters remove a wide array of contaminants through multiple purification stages. By filtering both hot and cold supply lines, these systems ensure clean water usage for cooking, bathing, and all other daily uses.

With so many whole home filter options on the market today, determining the best long-term investment for your family’s health can feel daunting. Features like filter materials, flow rates, and maintenance requirements vary widely between brands. After browsing unit specs, many still struggle to compare applicability to their source water quality and usage patterns. 

In this post, I’ll be breaking down and evaluating two leading brands–Softpro and Springwell–to simplify your decision. Through an unbiased analysis of both brands, I hope to help you make an informed decision that provides the best value for your household’s water treatment needs. Let’s begin our comparison!

Softpro vs Springwell Overview whole home filter edition

Softpro vs Springwell: A Comprehensive Overview 

Softpro and Springwell have firmly established themselves as leading providers of whole home water filtration systems after over two decades of experience and dedication to water quality. As pioneers in the industry, both companies design advanced systems not only to solve hard water issues, but to make clean, healthy water attainable for all homes and families through thoughtful engineering.

While Softpro and Springwell share a commitment to innovative technologies, there are also contrasts in their approaches worth considering. For one, Softpro creates specialized solutions tailored towards a wide range of water problems. Meanwhile, Springwell aims to deliver the most stringent whole home purification possible at competitive price points through their conviction that water quality should be accessible and affordable.

Understanding these nuanced differences in each brand’s priorities and objectives can help homeowners make a more informed choice matching their unique property’s source, budget, and desired results. Whether seeking optimized watercare through customized solutions or preferring simplified investment through industry-leading standards, Softpro and Springwell both uphold stringent testing and reliability standards. Their shared goal is ensuring households receive the clear benefits of softened, protected, and fresh-tasting water for the long run.

In this review, we’ll directly examine how Softpro and Springwell’s unique designs and value propositions compare to determine which best serves your family and home. Our aim is to simplify your decision by clarifying what matters most between highly reputable leaders in the whole home filtration market.

Key Considerations for Comparing Softpro and Springwell Whole House Water Filters 

Water chemistry varies so widely across regions it’s wise choosing a whole home solution tailored accordingly. When contrasting industry frontrunners Springwell and Aquasana, bear these factors in mind:

Water Source Compatibility 

It’s important for homeowners to understand whether a system can treat water from private wells, surface sources like lakes/streams, or just municipal water sources. Customization abilities also matter for addressing source-specific contaminants.

Filter Replacement Period

Operational costs over the long-term depend on how often filters need swapping. More frequent changes mean higher overall costs for filtration media.

Installation Complexity  

Ease of DIY installation vs needing professional help impacts upfront hassle and costs. Consumers prefer plug-and-play simplicity over specialist configurations.

Lifecycle Costs

While initial equipment expenditure varies, the total costs over 5-10+ years depend greatly on replacement part schedules and expenses. 

Flow Rates

Adequate flow is essential for multi-fixture homes to prevent pressure drops during simultaneous high-demand periods. 


Higher quality components and construction ensure proper functionality for greater return on the long-term purification investment.

Maintenance Needs

The simplicity and frequency of maintenance like cleanings or disinfections factors into ongoing time commitment requirements.

Contaminant Coverage  

Addressing a wide range of EPA and non-regulated contaminants gives comprehensive protection from an array of potential water issues.

Water testing

Whole home water filters that target chlorine are for people with city or municipal treated water (they use chlorine to treat water). Some city water also adds fluoride to the treated water which many (rightly) want to filter out as fluoride has been shown to cause issues with thyroid function. Well water has no chlorine. Checking your municipal water test reports to see if you need a drinking water filter and which product to choose.

Here is a comparison table outlining Softpro and Springwell water filtration systems based on key considerations for homeowner evaluation:

CriteriaSoftpro’s Whole House Water Filter systemSpringwell’s Whole House Water Filter System
Water Source CompatibilityPrivate wells, surface water, municipalities. Customizable to source.Private wells, surface water, municipalities. Customizable to source
Installation ComplexityProfessional installation is often required for some models. Others allow for DIY installation.Professional installation is often required. Specialized configuring
Lifecycle CostsHigher upfront costs $1200 – 2500. Lower annual filter replacement costs $25-50.Higher upfront costs $1000 – 2000Frequent $50-100 filter replacements
Maintenance NeedsReplace filters every 6 to 9 months Replace resin annually and regular cleaning and sanitization requirements
Contaminant CoverageAddresses 95% of EPA regulated chemicals and contaminants of emerging concern.Addresses 90% of EPA regulated and unregulated chemicals through customization
Warranty CoverageLifetime warranty for mineral & resin tanks. 10 years on valves & electronics.10-year residential warranty on fiberglass and polyethylene tanks and valves
App SupportWeb-based water testing and system monitoring via smartphone app.Web-based water testing and system monitoring via smartphone app
CertificationsNSF Standard 42, 53, 401 for cyst, lead and mercury removal.NSF Standard 42, 53, 401 for cyst, lead and mercury removal
Flow rates 14 gpmUp to 15 gpm depending on model/configuration 
Regeneration Cycles N/AMonthly
Grain capacity 10,000 grains25,000+ grains 

Do You NEED a Whole House Water Filter?

Now before we proceed, I must clarify that whole home water filters are not intended to make water safe for drinking. They are primarily designed to reduce chlorine and some other contaminants that make showering better. Chlorine and chloramines are quite volatile and will offgas quickly in the closed and poorly vented hot shower with the steam ensuring they hang around. I recommend getting a separate drinking water filter. Check out my post on the best and worst drinking water filter taps to know what choices to aim for. 

The mistake of seeking to use a whole house filter to treat hard water is one that is common. Treating hard water can only be done reliably by a water softener. However, after water softeners “soften” your water, they will still be filled with contaminants that are harmful to your health. This is why a softener and filter combo is needed to solve the problem.

A whole house water filter system might be overkill if you live in a small apartment with 1-2 people in the home. If this is your situation you might be better off getting an under sink reverse osmosis system. This will effectively treat all your drinking and cooking water directly from the kitchen faucet. It is also much cheaper and easier to maintain.

Water filtration systems will help you safely remove heavy metals, rust, sand, dirt and debris from the water. Not only does the filter system effectively reduce chlorine odor and bad taste, it also reduces the damage to home appliances caused by bad water getting into your system via a water pipe. Ensure you read up on my post on best whole house water filters to know more.

Now, let’s deep dive into these two whole house water filters!

Softpro Whole House Water Filter System

Softpro whole home filters deliver clean, pure water through a multi-stage filtration process for the entire property water supply. SoftPro’s Whole House Chlorine+ Carbon Water Filter is the top-rated whole home filtration system that removes up to 99% of impurities from your tap water. 

This next-generation filter uses a unique upflow design and advanced catalytic carbon filtration media to remove chlorine, chloramine, heavy metals, VOCs and more from every tap in your home. By taking out these contaminants, it significantly improves the taste of your water while also protecting your family from potential health risks. 

The SoftPro system installs easily to your main water line and purifies water as it flows throughout your entire home. No need for multiple point-of-use filters that only treat small amounts of water. With the SoftPro, you’ll enjoy cleaner, purer drinking water from any faucet or appliance. It even maintains strong water pressure and flow so your showers stay powerful. To ensure you enjoy convenience and peace of mind knowing your whole family has access to purified water throughout your home, the SoftPro Whole House Chlorine+ Carbon Filter is the simple, affordable solution.

Softpro Water Filter System Features

Sediment Filtration 

Fine mesh screens capture particles 5 microns or larger in size.

Catalytic Carbon Media  

Coconut shell-based carbon blocks attract and bind with solvents, herbicides and other chemicals. It is tested to filter 600,000 to 1,000,000 gallons under typical situations and expected to last between 6 to 10 years. This has better effectiveness and ensures that the filter maintains high water flow rates ensuring better effectiveness and better water. 

Chloramine Reduction Filter

This proprietary type of filter uses KDF media and a carbon blend for optimal chloramine and chlorine reduction. 

Reverse Osmosis Membrane

Made from food-grade plastic, this semipermeable membrane rejects contaminants to produce exceptionally pure water. 

Upflow Technology

Softpro’s upflow or reverse technology is very effective for better water filtration. The filter media is turned upwards from the bottom to circulate better. It also allows the catalytic carbon media to have better contact for increased filtration.

Softpro Water Filters Pros and Cons 

  • Removes a wide range of contaminants through multi-stage purification
  • Maintains consistent water pressure throughout the home
  • Components certified to NSF/ANSI safety standards
  • LED alerts indicate optimal filter replacement times
  • Well-known brand with excellent customer service  
  • Requires more frequent filter replacements than some competitors
  • Higher initial investment compared to basic filters
  • Produces wastewater during production requiring drain line installation
  • may reduce incoming water pressure and lower flow rates

Springwell Whole House Water Filter System

Springwell’s Whole House Water Filter System is a wonderful solution for removing those harmful contaminants found in your city’s municipal water. Its system uses the highest quality catalytic carbon and certified kdf media to target and remove harmful contaminants like chlorine, chloramine, PFOA,  PFOS, pesticides, herbicides, haloacetic acids and more. The system has low maintenance and also comes with the benefit of salt-free water softening with the Springwell Combo System.

Springwell employs a multi-stage filtration process to remove a wide spectrum of water contaminants through a single whole home unit. Its ActivFlo filtration system is a 4 stage proprietary design that allows the most contact time between the filtration media and the water. This means the water filter system has longer contact time through each stage of the filter media which removes more contaminants than any other system.

Stage 1 pushes the water through a KDF media which removes harmful chemicals such as chlorine, as well as addresses many of the contaminants found in municipal water. Stage 2 was designed using a catalytic carbon media which removes and reduces organic contaminants including chlorine, chloramine, VOCs, pesticides and herbicides to name a few. Last but not least, stage 3 includes innovative design created to eliminate channeling while producing more contact time. In stage 4, sand, silt, clay, and other sediment are filtered through a 5 micron sediment filter. 

softpro water filter system

Springwell Key Features 

Sediment Pre Filters 

These frontline fighters entrap rust, dirt and other debris 5 microns or greater in size before they can penetrate deeper into the homefront pipes. Trapping sediment at the first sign of battle helps maintain optimal flow for downstream defenses, while reducing damage to sensitive plumbing infrastructure over the long-term. Replacing these filters every 6-12 months based on water quality helps maximize their protective capabilities.

Carbon and KDF Blocks

This formidable filtration duo relies on activated carbon to adsorb enemies like chlorine and chloramines through surface attraction. Simultaneously, KDF-85 powders strategically transform threatening toxins like mercury and lead into neutralized compounds no longer dangerous to humans. Together, they form a nearly impenetrable chemical blockade. With lifespans reaching 3-5 years when properly maintained, these dual-threat defenses prove highly effective and durable in combating contaminants.

springwell key features
Catalytic Carbon Filter

This final filter stage uses ammonia-reducing catalytic carbon to break down chlorine byproducts into harmless vapors before they reach your taps.

Springwell Water Filter Pros and Cons

  • Removes myriad contaminants including chlorine, heavy metals, and microplastics  
  • Long-lasting filtration media means fewer filter changes over time
  • Salt-free, requires no softening agents or salt for regeneration
  • Unsuitable for very hard well water supplies without softening
  • Higher initial equipment costs than some competing brands
  • Some users report lower water pressure after installation 
  • Installation requires plumbing expertise for proper placement
 Softpro vs Springwell: Which is best for your home?

Both the Softpro and Springwell systems provide robust whole house water filtration to visibly and tastefully improve your water quality. Some deciding factors may be your water source, family size, long term budget, and priorities for contaminant removal. 

The Springwell filter is well-suited for most city water users on a budget, with fewer expected filter changes keeping the long term cost lower than Softpro. However, its carbon filtration alone may not meet the needs of households on wells containing heavy metals or other unique contaminants. 

SoftPro’s upflow filtration method results in better contact time between water and media for high contaminant removal efficiency. Springwell’s ActivFlow system is also very effective but may not remove as wide a range of contaminants as SoftPro’s customizable configurations.

In conclusion, I’d recommend the SoftPro system for most city water users looking for the highest level of contaminant removal through customizable configurations. Springwell is the better choice for those with hard well water seeking an all-in-one salt-free softening solution. Both will provide your home with cleaner, safer drinking water for years to come.

Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions; I am always happy to recommend the best whole-home filtration products to improve your wellness through optimal hydration. You can also check out some of my other reviews like Softpro vs Springwell Whole Home Softeners and Water Conditioner vs Water Softener

Please reach out if you need any other advice in selecting the ideal system or products for your needs!

Stay hydrated,

Shashank Varma (Mr. Water Geek)

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