Do NOT Buy! A Hydrogen Water Maker Might Not Be Worth It
Why A Hydrogen Water Maker Might NOT Be Worth It
Although drinking hydrogen water will not cause any harm health-wise, there are no conclusive research studies that validate all the positive health claims and potential benefits.
Hydrogen water makers only do 1 thing: generate more hydrogen in your water. Meanwhile there are similar devices (e.g. Tyent ionizers) that will filter, hydrogenate, change the pH of your water and do much more.
There are many cheaply made hydrogen water makers available on places like amazon that produce low quality water and it is even questionable whether or not they actually produce hydrogen water. Without a hydroden test handy, how would you know if that machine actually added any hydroden molecules to your water?
What is a Hydrogen Water Maker?
A hydrogen water maker is a device that adds extra hydrogen molecules to pure water.
How does hydrogen water compare to water, which is by far the best form of hydration?
Well the problem is that the market for water is over saturated and there’s also a limit that companies can charge for plain old water.
Especially as you can get it for free by simply walking over to your kitchen and opening your tap faucet.
The “H” from H2O stands for hydrogen. Since H2O is so good for you then even more “H” (i.e. hydrogen) must be better for you, right?
Well more and more water companies believe this to be the case and that’s why we now have something called “hydrogen water”.
Hydrogen water is essentially water that contains even more dissolved hydrogen than regular water.
Hydrogen Water is Very Expensive.
The surprising thing is that this concept is now incredibly popular and lucrative. You can expect to pay x5 more for hydrogen water then you would for regular bottled water.
A cheaper option might be to buy hydrogen tablets that you can add to water to turn it into hydrogen water.
Alternatively, there are plenty of these machines available online. Simply type something like “hydrogen water maker” into Google.
Getting a hydrogen machine is by far the most expensive option (upfront) but cheaper in the long run when compared to buying lots of hydrogen water bottles.
It is also great for people that simply want to try it long term and see if it benefits them in any way. But expect the costs to be in the range of thousands of dollars.
Why would you want to spend this type of money on hydrogen water? Because of all the potential health benefits.
The buzz around hydrogen water surrounds all the claims of possible health benefits that far exceed what regular water is (apparently) capable of achieving.
And yes, some of the claims seem wild. For instance, it is claimed that hydrogen water can help with everything from inflammation reduction to giving you more energy.
This article will review the science behind these claims, especially as they seem to be fairly encouraging. I’ll give my verdict at the end of this post – after reviewing all the evidence.
Benefits of Hydrogen Water
Hydrogen water is water that comes from a process that pushes more hydrogen particles into your water so that it contains higher levels of this element than the average water that comes from your kitchen faucet.
The concept is based on the idea that H2O is very good for you but it could be even better for you with more “H” (which stands for Hydrogen).
Hydrogen-rich water is a powerful antioxidant. It can prevent oxidation from damaging cells throughout the body and can repair damaged cells so they do not become free radicals that steal electrons from their neighboring cells while they try to repair themselves.
Hydrogen water attacks inflammation. Researchers at the
Forsyth Institute in Boston caused inflammatory bowel disease in mice and showed that hydrogen-rich drinking water could relieve inflammation and prevent it even in those mice that received it before the onset of the disease.
Hydrogen-containing water improves the metabolism of fat and glucose, even in people with type 2 diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance. If you have until recently enjoyed a typical western diet with refined grains and hydrogenated oils, you probably will not be as sensitive to glucose as you should be.
In a study in rats, scientists found that hydrogen has a positive effect on a liver that has a lot of fat. This means it can have a positive effect on people with high cholesterol and obesity.
Hydrogen is compatible with strong bones and muscles. This will not surprise the drinkers of alkaline water, it is one of the most researched benefits.
How To Make Hydrogen Water
If you want to know how to make hydrogen water you will need a few things first. Watch the video above to learn how. It only takes 4 minutes from start to finish.
Hydrogen Water vs Alkaline Water
H2 or hydrogen water is water with dissolved H2 and is said to reduce oxidative stress.
Newly emerging evidence shows that this helps with inflammation, giving you healthy skin, reduces pain and can even help to promote blood circulation.
It is known in Japan as “Shin’nooru”. In fact, do you know that the Japanese Ministry of Health approves the infusion of saline with hydrogen infusion for medical purposes?
You can do this alone or in combination with other medications in order to treat a lot of things.
This can be anything from minor ailments like dehydration to more serious conditions.
Alkaline water is water that has a high pH level that makes it alkaline versus acidic. Some people believe that alkaline water slows ageing, increases energy, regulates pH, and prevents disease.
Alkaline water is also less acidic than tap water and some people claim that this helps you to maintain an alkaline diet.
The alkaline water is water that is treated to give a pH level that is above 7.
Tap water is generally pH neutral or slightly acidic. While bottled water may be slightly alkaline or slightly acidic.
Alkaline water, is deliberately alkaline enough that some people claim it has a positive effect on the body.
The infographic below comes to you via Westcom Solutions and is by far the best and most comprehensive infographic on the topic of alkaline water vs hydrogen water.
Please note that a lot of these claims are still tentative. If you need more information, check the list of references at the bottom of the graphic.
Hydrogen Water Side Effects
To date, I can not find any serious hydrogen water side effects. It is a a natural product and so long as the water is contaminant free, there shouldn’t be any issues.
The benefits however, are numerous and mostly scientifically backed.
But even if only half of what is claimed is true then it’s still worth the investment.
Especially as there are no known health side effects or downsides.
Hydrogen Water Maker Reviews
In the US., the enthusiasm for hydrogen is mainly limited to water but the tremendous health claims are everywhere on the map.
There are lots of emerging studies that show that hydrogen water has some impressive results.
To enjoy these reported results, you need to get a hydrogen water maker and the following sections will review the best hydrogen water makers on the market today.
Hydrogen Rich Water Generator
Lourdes Hydrogen Water Generator
The Lourdes is one of the world’s best-selling hydrogen water generators. The HS-72 hydrogen water maker is an original product from Japan.
It’s a third generation technology that is based on a Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) as well as an SPE (Solid Polymer Electrolyte).
This is what separates hydrogen and oxygen to help you obtain maximum portable water from dissolved hydrogen or oxidative rich water.
The best part is that this hydrogen water maker allows you to create antioxidant hydrogen water at home. In the long run, this will be much cheaper than buying hydrogen water bottles.
- Hydrogen and oxygen separated with automatic circulation cleaning.
- PEM / SPE Technology — creates hydrogen water without chlorine or other oxides.
- ORP (Oxidation-Reduction Potential) -480 mV
- Comes with a large portable 1800ml bottle.
- Dissolved hydrogen 0.8 to 1.2 ppm — pH level of 7.2 (this is slightly alkaline to neutral.
Hydrogen Water Machine Price
Your own water supply with hydrogen is just a click away when you purchase online.
You can get a hydrogen water maker but expect to pay a lot.
There are many at a lower cheaper price but their quality is questionable.
However a good quality hydrogen water maker from a brand like Lourdes is typically slightly more expensive.
But the overwhelming number of positive customer reviews shows that the higher price is worth it.
It is worth it if you can afford to have this in your home. The health benefits of hydrogen water are worth it (even if only half of it is true).
The biggest claim around hydrogen water is that it is full of antioxidants that reduces free radical damage in your body.
Also, hydrogen water does NOT have any negative effects so you really have nothing to lose by getting a high quality hydrogen water machine.