Calculate How Much Water To Drink In A Day (FAST and EASY)

Calculate How Much Water To Drink In A Day

It is important to drink the right amount for your weight.

The simple formula is your weight in pounds ÷ 2 = water amount in ounces (oz). For example, if you weigh 190 pounds ÷ 2 = 80 oz (2.2 litres) per day.

Water Volume Calculator In Ounces

Weight (lb) Weight (kg) Water (oz) Water (L) Cups (approx.)
290 lb 131 kg 170 oz 4.83 L 23-24 cups
280 lb 127 kg 160 oz 4.55 L 22-22 cups
270 lb 122 kg 150 oz 4.27 L 20-21 cups
260 lb 117 kg 140 oz 3.98 L 18-19 cups
250 lb 113 kg 130 oz 3.70 L 17-18 cups
240 lb 108 kg 120 oz 3.41 L 15-16 cups
220 lb 99 kg 110 oz 3.13 L 14-15 cups
200 lb 91 kg 100 oz 2.98 L 12-13 cups
180 lb 82 kg 90 oz 2.55 L 10-11 cups
160 lb 73 kg 80 oz 2.27 L 9-10 cups
140 lb 64 kg 70 oz 1.98 L 8-9 cups
120 lb 54 kg 60 oz 1.70 L 7-8 cups
100 lb 45 kg 50 oz 1.41 L 5-6 cups
80 lb 36 kg 40 oz 1.13 L 4-5 cups

* Remember that you may need to drink more water if you’re physically active, pregnant or breastfeeding, or live in a hot climate.
** You may need to drink more water if you’re physically active or live in a hot climate. 1 cup = 237 ml. | 1 liter = 4-5 cups | 1 quart = 4 cups | 1 quart = 0.946 liter.

Calculate Your Daily Water Intake

Here is the step by step process to do this:

1. Find out your weight.

The old adage was that you should drink 8 glasses of water a day but experts are beginning to give different advice. Experts now advise that each person should drink the right amount of water for their body weight.

This means that you first need to know how much you weigh. Doing this will help you determine the right amount of water intake for your body.

Of course this makes sense on even the most basic level right? Someone who weighs 100 pounds will have different hydration needs to someone who weighs 250 pounds. So in order to properly determine the right amount of water you must know your exact weight. Once you know your weight then do the following:

2. Exact daily water intake calculation… in 2 easy steps:

Once you know how much you weigh, you only have 2 steps to calculate your exact daily water intake.

  1. Divide your weight in half and convert it into pounds.
  2. Divide that figure (in pounds) by half to get your daily water intake in ounces.

For example, your weight is 100 pounds, divide that by 2, which gives you 50 ounces (oz). This means you should be drinking 50 oz (or 1.42 liters) each day.

3. What About Your Level Of Physical Activity?

The calculation above is only good if you are not physically exerting yourself that day. It is important to remember that your hydration needs will change if you’re very physically active.Heart Water

This is very important because working out causes you to sweat. Sweat essentially means your body is expelling water and you lose fluids. That lost water will need to be replaced in some way.

It is estimated that you need about 12 oz of water for every 30 minutes of exercise you do. Think about it. This estimation means that you need an extra 24 oz of water for every hour of exercise.

If you are using the simple calculation used in this post to work out how much water you need to drink a day remember work outs.

You must compensate for the water that you lose when you are physically active. You should also keep an eye on and know the signs of dehydration to avoid getting sick.

How To Drink Enough Water

Now it may seem both impossible and undesirable to drink 50 ounces of water in one day.

AquaTruHowever, it is not as hard as you think. Simply adding an extra glass to your usual daily routine could get you up to your recommended water intake in no time.

For instance, each time you do something that is part of your normal daily habitual routine, drink a glass of water. I also like the idea of opting for water every time you reach for caffeinated beverages instead.

My favourite little hack is to drink a glass of water when I wake up, before a meal and after I brush my teeth. Eventually, you will begin to feel thirsty during these times and create a habit that lasts and makes a difference.

Another clever little hack is to buy a special container that will contain the exact amount of water that you need. Then simply take water from this container to keep track of your progress. There is also a type of water bottle on the market now that has motivational quotes at each cup or so of water, to motivate you to up your fluid intake and stay on track.

Read: How To Stay Hydrated When You HATE Drinking Water

How Much Water To Drink A Day To Lose Weight?

AquaTru CountertopA recent study revealed that drinking just 2 cups of water before meals can help dieters lose additional 5 pounds every year and keep your body functioning correctly.

Imagine if we drank as much water as our body needs?

An increased water intake to ensure you’re getting the right amount of water every day can boost our metabolism. When you drink extra water, you set yourself up for success.

It can also reduce the urge for overeating. This is because the lack of water can cause your body to confuse hunger with thirst.

Continue Reading: The TRUTH Behind The 30 Day Water Challenge For Weight Loss

How Much Water Should I Drink A day Calculator? My Conclusion

Mr Water Geek ThinkingThis article called “How Much Water Should I Drink A Day Calculator” has hopefully answered questions about your daily water intake.AquaTru sale

Ignore the old adage that you have to drink 6-8 glasses or 1 litre of water a day.

The new consensus is that you need to drink water according to your weight and level of physical activity.

The exact calculation is your body weight divided by ½ and converted to ounces (i.e. 70 pounds / 2 = 45 oz (1.27litres)).Check Prices & Read Customer Reviews

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Scientific References

Edmonds CJ, Crombie R, Ballieux H, Gardner MR, Dawkins L. Water consumption, not expectancies about water consumption, affects cognitive performance in adults. Appetite. 2013 Jan;60(1):148–153.

Armstrong LE. Assessing hydration status: the elusive gold standard. J Am Coll Nutr. 2007 Oct;26(5 Suppl):575S–584S.

Shirreffs SM, Merson SJ, Fraser SM, Archer DT. The effects of fluid restriction on hydration status and subjective feelings in man. Br J Nutr. 2004;91:951–958.

Casella F, Diana A, Bulgheroni M, et al. When water hurts. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 2009;32:e25–27.

Ritz P, Berrut G. The importance of good hydration for day-to-day health. Nutr Rev. 2005;63:S6–13.

Popkin, Barry M., Kristen E. D’Anci, and Irwin H. Rosenberg. “Water, Hydration and Health.” Nutrition reviews 68.8 (2010): 439–458. PMC. Web. 14 June. 2017.

Reference: Vreeman, Rachel C, and Aaron E Carroll. “Medical Myths.” BMJ : British Medical Journal 335.7633 (2007): 1288–1289. PMC. Web. 12 Nov. 2017.

Edmonds CJ, Burford D. Should children drink more water?: the effects of drinking water on cognition in children. Appetite. 2009;52:776–779. How Much Water Should I Drink A Day Calculator?

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