Do NOT Buy! Here is Why Flow Tech Is NOT Worth It

Reasons Why Flow Tech Might NOT Be Worth It

Red CrossFlow tech is not actually a water softener so does not produce soft water and doesn’t actually turn hard water soft.

Red CrossIt does not filter your water. This means that if your water is full of contaminants then it will remain so even after it’s been treated with Flow-Tech.

Red CrossPrices are not up front and it seems that you need a “water analysis” and maybe even a sales visit before they will quote you a price.

Red CrossThere are not many verified customer reviews online so very difficult to judge if it really works or not.

Red CrossIt seems you can not install it yourself and will need to hire a certified licensed professional licensed contractor. This increases the up-front costs radically and means the company can charge (or over charge) as it seems you can’t just hire the friendly local family plumber.

Red CrossYou can’t buy Flow-tech from 3rd party sites and retailers like Amazon. This is unfortunate because being listed on Amazon lets us know if it’s a reputable company or not. We also miss out on all the genuine customer reviews that Amazon provides.

Red CrossThere is a Flow Tech “satisfaction guarantee” but I can’t find any details of this after lots of searching. More upfront information about their guarantees will make it easier to know how much the company stands by their claims. (Please leave a comment below if you know what the warranty/guarantee details are and I’ll be happy to update this post).

What is a Flow Tech “Water Softener” System?

Flow tech (sometimes spelled “Flow-Tech”, “FlowTech” or “FlowTec”) technology is a salt free softener alternative that promises to eliminate existing limescale and prevents new scale from building up.

The result of this will be better water flow, a reduction of limescale and longer lasting home appliances.

How Does Flow Tech Work?

It works by using a low frequency signal that pulses several thousand times per second. When this is connected to your pipes then the electromagnetic signal will reverse the charge of the dissolved minerals present in water.Flow Tech Home Max

This should prevent hard minerals from sticking to your pipes and plumbing.

Therefore resulting in little or no limescale stains or any deposits at the bottom of your kettle.

If this works, it could be a game changer for the water softener industry:

  • No more necessary salt or sodium.
  • A device that needs less space than a regular softener.
  • Does not need to be plumbed in so great for people renting or that don’t want to make permanent changes to their property.
  • It can work for a main pipe that is up to 1.5 inches in diameter.

So if this works, what’s not to love?

Why To Be Skeptical

Personally, I am very skeptical about this technology and this is what motivated me to write this Flow Tech review.

It’s already been around for a few years but has not revolutionised the industry, why?

If this sort of thing really worked then homes, commercial and industrial settings across the world would use this on mass.

Something that treats hard water without the extra costs, maintenance, chemicals, space and inefficiencies of traditional softeners is the holy grail in the water industry.

Flow Techs BEST Selling Points?

As discussed previously, this water conditioning system promises to prevent limescale and treat the existing scale in your pipes.

Can help you save money because you will not have to deal with all the costs of regular softeners.

For example, the on-going costs of salt/sodium, water and electricity. If it is successful in reducing the effects of hardness then there are other cost-saving opportunities.

For instance, your home appliances will last longer without hard water limescale damage.

Green Plus ArrowNo need for chemicals or salt.

A great feature for people interested in reducing salt usage. This is unlike regular water softeners. However, the downside of not using salt is that you will NOT actually get soft water. Soft water can only be generated with salt (at the present time).

Green Plus ArrowRemoves scale previously present in plumbing.Flowtech Home Max

This is unlike other products that will only treat new issues. Flow-Tech promises to remove any scale already present in the plumbing system as well as treating new water.

Green Plus ArrowHelps to protect your appliances.

Following on from the previous point, hard water limescale causes all types of problems. One of them is the appearance of difficult to wash limescale stains. This can appear everywhere from faucets, sinks, washing machines to the shower.

Green Plus ArrowPrevents future scale buildup.

The marketing material says that it prevents this by “increasing efficiency and flow”.

Green Plus ArrowSpace saving solution.

This is because you only need an extra 4″ x 6″ of space around your pipes. This is far less than the space one needs for traditional water softeners. Therefore this is a great option for people that don’t have a lot of space.

Green Plus ArrowOn-going maintenance is not necessary.

You should be able to set it and forget it once properly installed.

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Flowtech Water Solutions Reviews

This is by far my biggest issue with Flow Tech. There are very little verified customer reviews available online.

Flowtech Water Solutions ReviewsAnd the little amount of reviews available seem to come directly from the manufacturer. For instance, the vast majority of customer reviews online right now are from Flow Tech’s own FaceBook page.

Of the reviews that do exist very few of them seem to be from actual verified customers. A bunch of the reviews are from plumbers (presumably certified contractors linked to the organisation).

Also, their products are not available from 3rd party retailers like Amazon. This means even less opportunities to see verified customer flow tech home max reviews.

Flow Tech Installation?

Unlike other electromagnetic water softener alternatives, this is one that you can’t apparently install yourself.

This is unlike similar products like the Eddy Electronic Water Descaler.

You will also need a professional certified Flow Tech technician to install it for you after an initial inspection. It also probably means that you can only hire a certified technician to fix anything if it goes wrong.

This is slightly concerning because other water companies that have similar sales practices tend to up-sell their products wildly.

How Much Does Flow Tech Cost?

Unfortunately prices are not upfront so these are just guesses.

However, I’ve seen quotes for wholesale prices between $100-150 for the INDIVIDUAL flow-tech max anti-scale system. Some people report seeing them available at Home Depot for $125-$175 (actual price depends on the model you choose).

However, UNAVOIDABLE installation costs usually take the whole package (product + installation) well over $1200+.

Is Flow Tech WORTH It?

The short answer is NO, especially if you have extremely hard water.

Mr Water Geek Thinking$1200 – $2000 doesn’t seem worth it for something that doesn’t even filter your water.

A full water softener (including installation) costs a fraction of this. For instance, a basic softener is around $1200-ish and installation can go for $300-ish.

Also similar products like the Eddy Descaler only cost around $200 without needing to pay extra for a “certified licensed plumber”.

So let’s point out some facts:

  • Flow Tech does NOT filter anything.
  • It does NOT soften.
  • There are hardly any positive verified online reviews.

If you think Flow-Tech is still a worthwhile investment for “descaling your pipes” despite ALL of the drawbacks above then there are much better options out there.

The most obvious being the Eddy Descaler because it is much cheaper, has lots of verified customer reviews and is backed by Amazon’s A-Z customer guarantee.

However, if you’re going to be spending this type of money (i.e. over $1200) anyway then why not get something that is actually guaranteed to work?

That could be a more reliable water conditioner (i.e. salt free softener) like thisĀ that is well established with lots of positive customer reviews.

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A salt free option like Aquasana Rhino that includes a powerful water filter.

Aquasana Whole House Features ListSo aside from conditioning your water it will also filter out bacteria, viruses, pharmaceuticals, heavy metals and much more.

There is the option to get it with a professional installation kit so you can install it yourself.

Aquasana has lots of verified positive customer reviews that you can check on places like Amazon.

mrwatergeek winner badgeYou can also purchase it direct from Aquasana who regularly offer a better price and service.

Aquasana Whole House FilterPelican Softener with Filters
Treats hard water UP TO 25 ppm (low to medium low hard water).Treats hard water OVER 25 ppm (medium to extremely hard water).
Does NOT require electricity.Requires electricity if using the electronic head monitor.
Control Your System With An App:? NOControl Your System With An App:? YES
- Powerful salt-FREE water softener.
- 1,000,000 one million gallon capacity.
- Aquasana Rhino exceeds NSF standards.
- Treats hard water WITHOUT salt.
- Removes chlorine, bacteria, iron, sulfide, manganese, mercury, lead etc.
- Includes pre-filter, copper-zinc and carbon filtration stages with standard fittings.
- 90-Day Pure Satisfaction Guarantee.
- Limited 10 year warranty.
mrwatergeek winner badge
- Powerful salt-BASED water softener.
- 1,000,000 one million gallon capacity.
- Also includes a multi-stage filter.
- Easy installation (inside or outside)
- Sufficient for 1-3 bathrooms (options for 4-6 and 7+ bathrooms also available).
- 6 month money back guarantee.
- Limited lifetime warranty.
Ships to US and CA.
Ships to US, CA and Puerto Rico.
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