Does EPA Regulate All Contaminants in Tap Water?

Do you ever wonder what’s actually in your tap water whenever you turn on your faucet? If yes, you’re not alone. Experts report that regular tap water has a long contaminant candidate list, some of which can be harmful to your health. So, when considering distilled water vs tap water, how safe is tap water really?
Fortunately, the government has put laws and health-based guidelines in place to safeguard us from contaminants in drinking water. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for overseeing and regulating drinking water quality nationwide. But there’s one big question: does the EPA actually regulate ALL the contaminants that could be present in your tap water?
Today we’re going to have a discussion on whether or not the EPA regulates all contaminants in our tap water.

Does EPA Regulate All Contaminants in Tap Water?
The short answer is NO! The EPA does not regulate every contaminant present in tap water. Although the EPA is working diligently to protect public health by setting drinking water standards, they can’t test for everything that may end up in your water supply.
The EPA currently regulates roughly 90 contaminants in public water systems under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). That may sound like a lot, but scientists have identified thousands of potential contaminants that can get into drinking water. The truth is, new chemicals are invented all the time, and many of the substances currently in use haven’t been fully studied for their health impacts.
For more information on tap water and whether it’s safe to drink, check out these other posts:
- Is Tap Water Safe To Drink?
- Why Australian Tap Water Is A BIG PROBLEM and What To Do
- They Finally ADMIT Aquafina Water Ingredients = Tap Water

What Does The EPA Regulate In Tap Water?
Here’s what the EPA currently tests for under their Drinking Water Regulations:
- Microorganisms:
- E. coli
- Cryptosporidium
- Giardia lamblia
- Legionella
- Disinfectants:
- Chlorine
- Chloramine
- Chlorine dioxide
- Disinfection Byproducts:
- Trihalomethanes
- Haloacetic acids
- Bromate
- Chlorite
- Inorganic Chemicals:
- Lead
- Copper
- Arsenic
- Nitrate/Nitrite
- Mercury
- Fluoride
- Organic Chemicals:
- Pesticides
- Industrial chemicals
- Petroleum byproducts
- Plastic components
- Radionuclides:
- Radium
- Uranium
- Alpha particles

How Does The EPA Enforce Its Regulations On Tap Water Contaminants?
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) works with state agencies to monitor water quality and informs consumers on the health risks associated with contaminated water. Here’s how they ensure the water you drink from your tap is up to par:
National Primary Drinking Water Regulations
The EPA has established certain enforceable standards called the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWRs). These rules underscore limits on contaminants that can be present in drinking water. It also specifies different treatment techniques water systems must use to eliminate those contaminants. Each regulation states the maximum contaminant level, or MCL, which represents the highest level of a contaminant allowed in drinking water. EPA didn’t just pull these figures out of a bag. Rather, they are based on extensive research into potential adverse health effects. Therefore, water companies must frequently test their water and keep it below these levels or face penalties.
Requirements for Monitoring and Testing
Community water systems are not built on the honor system. The EPA and other relevant authorities mandate periodic testing for regulated contaminants, with the frequency depending on system size and contaminant category. For instance, “large” systems might test for some chemicals every quarter, while “small” systems could sample less frequently. These ongoing monitoring requirements ensure that authorities consistently meet drinking water standards, not just achieve them once. Water systems must perform testing using EPA-approved methods and certified laboratories to substantiate accuracy.
Public Notice and Reporting
Transparency is a keystone of the EPA’s enforcement strategy. Federal regulations require water companies to send customers annual consumer confidence reports (CCRs) that contain water quality information and any violations that occurred. If the water system detects levels of contaminants that exceed the EPA’s limits, it must inform the public as soon as possible through various channels, including public announcements in the media, direct mail to system connections or door-to-door notifications.
State Primacy and Oversight
The EPA is not alone in its enforcement process. The majority of states have “primacy,” meaning they assume primary responsibility for enforcing the Safe Drinking Water Act in their territories. State environmental agencies inspect and analyze water samples, review reports from water utilities, and take enforcement action where necessary. States can also remediate federal standards at the state level, establishing stricter guidelines that can provide added protection should a state be more stringent than the federal level would require. The EPA monitors to make sure states are living up to those duties.
Regulations only set minimum standards: they don’t necessarily guarantee the purest water possible.
Though the EPA is doing its best to regulate the many contaminants that may be lurking in our drinking water, it’s clear they can’t oversee everything. The Safe Drinking Water Act offers important protections through primary and national secondary drinking water regulations.
However, there are still serious loopholes and gaps that can be detrimental to our health. That’s why so many homeowners turn to additional filtration to deal with contaminants not regulated by the EPA, or to further reduce regulated substances below legal limits.
To learn more about tap water filters, check out my previous post: “The Problem With ALL Tap Water Filters and How To Fix It.”
Finally, if you want more product reviews, how-tos, and helpful posts on all things water, find your way over to my blog. I’m always happy to help!
Stay cool & stay hydrated,
Shashank Varma (Mr. Water Geek)