UNEXPECTED Benefits of Drinking Warm Water For your Skin and Hair

Many of the advantages of drinking hor or warm water stem from the simple fact that water is incredibly beneficial for your health. 

Water is by far one of the most important natural resources to human existence. It is essential that you drink enough water every day to maintain your overall health. 

If you don’t know how much water is right for you, then use this daily water intake calculator to find out.

Zojirushi America Corporation CV-DCC50XT VE Hybrid Water Boiler and Warmer Once you know how much water you should drink each day, the next issue is what kind of water?

Although most people prefer to stay hydrated with cold water or room temperature water, did you know the consumption of coffee and tea count towards your daily water intake? The only issue is that drinks like coffee, tea, smoothies and juices contain extra calories that you might not want to consume.

So what should you do? Ditch the high-calorie hot beverages and drink hot or warm water! (Or, at least, consume hot water in addition to your daily coffee routine!)

Doing this has a relaxing effect on your body. However, studies are showing that drinking hot or warm water has some unique benefits to your health too! Specifically, benefits for your skin and hair.

In this article, I will outline the key benefits of drinking warm water.

Benefits Of Drinking Warm Water For Skin

Drinking hot or warm water is very beneficial for your skin. So much so that you might not need to invest tons of money into lots of expensive cosmetics, creams and skincare products. Simply drinking warm water can get you many of the benefits promised by skincare product labels.

So save yourself some money and use a natural remedy for healthy, glowing skin by getting the benefits of drinking warm water. These benefits are:

1. Warm Water Eliminates The Root Causes Of Skin Infections.

The first point might also be the most obvious. Drinking enough warm water helps your bodily functions run smoother, with lower rates of inflammation. This reduction means you will have lower rates of common minor skin issues like pimples, blackheads, acne and spots.

Drinking warm water in general is good for your skin health, but drinking hot water on an empty stomach has even more benefits! It’s been shown to help with detoxification and improve digestion by increasing blood flow to the digestive system. More bowel movements and trips to the bathroom mean deeper cleansing of your body, which helps with reducing the risk of skin infections. 

2. Reduces Premature Ageing

First of all, water alone is good at reducing instances of premature ageing. This is because dehydration reduces the elasticity in your skin.

However, the benefits of drinking warm water mean that it flushes out the toxins from your body. Thereby also helping to repair your skin cells, especially those affected by harmful free radicals. (Free radicals are toxins that are produced naturally in the body and absorbed through external sources like pollution, radiation, and cigarette smoke.) 

The more warm water you drink (within your appropriate daily water allowance) the more the elasticity of your skin increases.

In the long term, this results in toned, wrinkle-free and youthful skin.

3. Keeps Skin Hydrated

By consuming hot or warm water regularly, you can keep the body hydrated. This is really useful for dry and flaky skin. It is also necessary for maintaining healthy skin, as it improves circulation throughout your body. So, with better hydration from hot water, you can get that smooth, soft skin you’re looking for! 

4. Improves Nutrient Absorption

Your skin is an organ, and it needs essential vitamins and minerals just like any other organ in our body to be healthy! Since warm and hot water aids digestion, it can actually improve your nutrient absorption so your skin receives essential vitamins and minerals. 

[Read: Here is Why You should Drink Warm Lemon Water Before Bed]

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Benefits Of Drinking Warm Water For Hair

Do you know that every single strand of your hair is comprised of almost 25% water? Therefore, it comes as no surprise that being dehydrated is bad for your hair. Getting the right amount of water is important to hair health. Here are some specific benefits of drinking warm water for your hair:

1. Promotes Hair Growth

Yes, that’s right drinking warm water creates a great source of energy for hair cells. This is because regularly drinking warm water promotes good hair health and healthy hair means it grows faster and better.

2. Fights Dandruff

Warm water benefits your hair because it keeps your body (including your scalp) hydrated. A moist scalp helps to reduce instances of dandruff and also means dandruff is less likely to appear.

3. Helps Natural Hair Vitality

Most people want soft and shiny hair. The fact that you’re reading this article tells me you’re probably one of these people. Well, drinking warm water has been shown to energize the nerve endings of your hair. This includes your hair roots, and proper hydration makes them active.

The result of this is more natural vitality and overall healthier looking hair.

4. Prevents Hair Loss

You probably know one of the biggest causes of hair loss is stress. However, studies have shown that staying hydrated can actually reduce stress! This is because getting enough water can actually improve central nervous system functions, bettering mood, concentration, memory, and relaxation! 

Those are general benefits of drinking water to ease stress, but drinking hot water can be particularly helpful! Warm or hot water can soothe physical stress, like alleviating headaches and cramps. Plus, warm water can reduce shivering and relax muscles for a whole-body calming effect. All that stress relief can help keep your hair on your head instead of in your hairbrush or shower drain! 

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Drinking hot water offers numerous benefits for hair and skin health. It helps keep your body hydrated, which is essential for maintaining moisture and elasticity in both hair and skin, preventing dryness, brittleness, and flakiness. Additionally, hot water aids in detoxification by flushing out toxins, leading to clearer skin and supporting healthy hair growth. If all that wasn’t enough, improved blood circulation from drinking hot water ensures better nutrient and oxygen delivery to hair follicles and skin cells, promoting overall health and vitality.

Incorporating hot water into your daily routine can contribute to a glowing complexion and strong, healthy hair. Plus, it can help you feel more energized, relaxed, and focused! If you’re used to drinking cold water or high-calorie hot beverages, consider drinking hot or warm water while you eat your meals! You could also drink hot or warm water before bed to boost relaxation and set your body up for success in the morning. To dress it up, add a little lemon, drop in some honey, or curate a fruit water infusion to add flavor and make the experience more pleasant. Here are a few beneficial and delicious fruit infusions to try:

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