ABC Waters Fleck Review: Why You Should NOT Buy!

Why You Should *NOT* Buy Fleck.

As a huge fan of Fleck softeners over many years, this is very difficult for me but I am no longer recommending Fleck. Here are my reasons:

Red CrossMany people have sent me messages of complaints about ABCWaters as a business. See examples of this in the comments below.

Red CrossA Fleck softener does NOT filter. This means that although you get soft water, it will be full of contaminants.Aquasana Whole House UV FilterRed Cross This means that although Flecks are very affordable at $1200+ the final costs will be much more. For instance, $1200 does NOT include plumbing costs and installation.

Red CrossYou will eventually need to find a filter to make the water drinkable. These are extra costs and make the whole process more complex. This is why softener filter combinations are more cost effective overall, even though the upfront costs seem much higher.

Red Cross

If you don’t want to use salt then the newest models of all-in-one softener + filter combinations from brands like Aquasana are now more powerful than ever. They not only effectively treat hard water without salt, their filters are so powerful they can treat lead and mercury.

Red CrossIt’s rare to find Fleck softeners with filters and when you do find them, the filters are rubbish. Aquasana whole house systems treats everything including bacteria, chlorine, mercury, viruses, lead, pharmaceuticals and so much more.

Red CrossFitting and installing Fleck softeners by yourself can potentially void your warranty. Meanwhile other brands like Aquasana give you a FREE professional installation kit. This allows you to install it yourself and save you the extra costs and hassle of hiring a plumber.

Do You Even Need A Water Softener?

Before talking about the benefits of getting an abc waters Fleck water softener, why do you need to get a water softener in the first place?

Water is an integral and important part of our daily lives. We drink it, wash our bodies and hair with it, clean our clothes with it, even heat our houses with it, and yet we rarely pay attention to its effects. Standard Softener

However, if you find that your sinks are stained with white limescale, your skin is dry and itchy, then you may have a problem with hard water.

And if that’s the case, you probably need a water softener.

Water softening systems will help increase the life of your equipment, appliances and clothing.

A good water softener can even help you to save money in the long term.

Because you save money when you don’t have to replace equipment that has been destroyed by hard water:

– Hard water causes mineral deposits on skin, hair and clothing.
– It blocks pipes, water tanks and boilers, which reduces efficiency and increases energy costs.
– Can destroy toilets, bathtubs, showers and taps.
– Their deposits form limescale that reduces the effectiveness of household appliances, such as washing machines.

MyTapScore Home Water TestBasically, water softeners eliminate the high levels of calcium and magnesium ions present in hard water.

Check if you have hard water in your home by using a water test kit.

The softening system removes the “hardness” with salt and this stops the ugly spots and white scales in the water, in the kitchen and in the bathroom.

There are many different types of water softeners and abc waters Fleck is one of them.MyTapScore InforgraphicThis article is a review of the abc waters Fleck water softener that will help you to decide if this brand is right for you.

ABC Waters Fleck Softener Review (5600SXT)

The abc waters Fleck softener units are very good for many different commercial, industrial and residential applications.

You can time and control abc waters Fleck systems by using its meter. This is also why a Fleck softener with a meter is one of the best options.

One of the best features of Fleck softeners are the electronic meters that allow you to automate the controls:

  • The advantage of a meter controlled system is that the system can calculate the water consumption.
  • You can only do one regeneration cycle if enough water is consumed until the resin bed is ready. These systems avoid unnecessary waste of water and ensure that your resin bed does not run out.
  • The timer controls are less robust, but extremely reliable and consistent.
  • Water softening systems are ideal meter-controlled environments in which the demand for soft water is not particularly high, or the need for soft water throughout the day is not essential. This is because your system is likely to be offline for at least 2 hours during a recovery cycle.
  • If the system is programmed, it can be set manually if you probably need less soft water.

Benefits of Using ABC Waters Fleck Water Softener

Water Softener ValveThe biggest benefits of using ABC waters Fleck is that your bathrooms, shower cubicles, faucets and toilets are no longer stained with white limescale deposits.

Here are some specific benefits:

Green Plus Arrow

Consumption and spending on detergents and shampoos can be reduced by up to 50%

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Your bathroom equipment and household appliances last longer and the maintenance costs are reduced.

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Energy bills can be reduced by at least 10%

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The condition of your skin can improve significantly. Especially people with eczema who see significant improvements after the use of soft water.Check Prices & Read Customer Reviews

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Your hair feels soft and clothes are brighter.

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Saves time and eliminates the need for harsh chemicals to remove limescale.

ABC Waters Fleck Water Softener Manual

Here you will find links to the most frequently requested Fleck water softening manuals.

If these manuals are not suitable for your model, you can try calling the Fleck water softener contact number at 602.222.9283.

If this is not possible, send an e-mail to the customer service via

ABC Water Softener Price

The typical price for a Fleck water softener is upwards of $1200.

This is very reasonable and you can expect to pay this for most water softeners of a similar specification.

Aquasana Whole House InfographicOf course, if you get a larger capacity model or one that has more features, it will cost you more.

Also, this does not include potential costs of a professional plumber to install the unit for you.

Nor does this include all the costs of maintaining and up-keeping.

For example, the price does not include the water softener salt that you will need to buy in order to make the softener work.

Where To Buy Fleck Water Softener

You can go direct to Fleck to find out where their water softeners are stocked. Alternately you can look for them on places like eBay and Amazon.

Fleck 5600SXT Water Softener Installation Video by ABCWaters

Dashed Line

Fleck: Best Water Softener?

No, not anymore.

Mr Water Geek Thinking​Fleck 5600SXT is popular because it is very effective in dealing with high amounts of hard water.

The standard Fleck unit is the best selling water softener on Amazon.

Customers love its very competitive pricing, ease of installation, low or no maintenance and effectiveness compared to other models.Fleck 9100SXT

It also has a good capacity. This means it can provide soft water for a home of between 1-4 people.

However, I am no longer recommending this to people.

I fully admit that it’s still a good system (so long as your model is not faulty).

There are some problems that I can no longer ignore mentioned at the start of this post.

Dashed Line

Aquasana Whole House FilterPelican Softener with Filters
Treats hard water UP TO 25 ppm (low to medium low hard water).Treats hard water OVER 25 ppm (medium to extremely hard water).
Does NOT require electricity.Requires electricity if using the electronic head monitor.
Control Your System With An App:? NOControl Your System With An App:? YES
- Powerful salt-FREE water softener.
- 1,000,000 one million gallon capacity.
- Aquasana Rhino exceeds NSF standards.
- Treats hard water WITHOUT salt.
- Removes chlorine, bacteria, iron, sulfide, manganese, mercury, lead etc.
- Includes pre-filter, copper-zinc and carbon filtration stages with standard fittings.
- 90-Day Pure Satisfaction Guarantee.
- Limited 10 year warranty.
mrwatergeek winner badge
- Powerful salt-BASED water softener.
- 1,000,000 one million gallon capacity.
- Also includes a multi-stage filter.
- Easy installation (inside or outside)
- Sufficient for 1-3 bathrooms (options for 4-6 and 7+ bathrooms also available).
- 6 month money back guarantee.
- Limited lifetime warranty.
Ships to US and CA.
Ships to US, CA and Puerto Rico.
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  1. Wish I would have read this before. Would have much preferred to go saltless and a full house system so I can drink the water since I also need a RO system in order to drink the water.
    I had this installed by a handyman. I’ve had Fleck 5600SXT 48,000 installed for about 1 1/2 years and didn’t think it was working right. I didn’t realize that there was a more involved programming than the quick program. I think I have it set correctly after multiple youtube videos. No more spots on dishes; however, now the water has a smell to it. Mostly hot water but I think a little from the cold as well.
    Any help on the smell would be great.

    1. Hi Tim

      If the water smells like rotten egg then it’s most likely a hydrogen sulfide contamination.

      You should talk to the manufacturer to see if they can fix it under warranty or give you advice.

      Stay hydrated,

  2. Save yourself the trouble and don’t order from this from ABCWaters. There are multiple people that order their water softener from them and it never ships and you get ZERO communication from the company. They don’t respond to voicemails, text messages or emails. Some people have resorted to reporting them to BBB and others claim to be taking them to small claims to get their money back for a product never shipped.
    I ordered from them TWICE and still never received the product after waiting 2 months.

    1. Hi Eric

      So sorry to hear you’re having issues.

      This is why I always recommend people buy expensive softeners from Amazon and use a credit card because at least you have Amazon’s customer service to fall back on and/OR do a credit card chargeback with all the evidence of “non-response” that you have.

      Best wishes,

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